At BBR, we aim to contribute back to the community and advocate the best practices within the Group to achieve sustainable growth. As an active corporate citizen, BBR makes community outreach a part of our staff’s development, where we highly encourage the spirit of volunteerism to support charitable causes.
An initial Corporate Social Responsibility programme embarked by the Group was the collaboration with the LienAID in support of their ongoing Gift for Water Programme in Cambodia. This programme aids poor rural floating communities living on the Ton Le Sap Lake gain improved access to affordable drinking water. In September 2013, BBR has co-funded the set-up of water-treatment plants and encouraged its staff to perform community services in these villages.
BBR Care is a corporate initiative set up in early 2014 to underscore BBR’s commitment to invest in the social development of the communities we operate in, so as to be a socially and environmentally responsible organisation. BBR Care focuses on employees’ welfare as well as engage in community involvement programmes, and environmentally sustainability efforts.
Recent initiatives on community involvement undertaken by the BBR Care were the extension of its healthy snack programmes to the residents of Asian Woman Welfare Association (AWWA) Community Home for Senior Citizens; and a relief drive for Malaysian’s flood victims through the collection and donation of clothing within the Group. BBR Care plans to continue its care and share programme with the AWWA Community Home for Senior Citizens.